Woman in yellow safety vest lying warehouse floor after falling from ladder

The Long-Term Impact of Workplace Injuries on Your Health and Finances

Workplace injuries can come with serious physical, emotional, and financial consequences. The long-term impact of these injuries not only affects workers but also takes a toll on their families as well. At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, our workplace injury lawyers are dedicated to serving workers in the greater New York City area. We understand how important it is to consider the long-term effects an injury or occupational illness can have on workers and their families. We fight to help you get all the benefits and compensation you may be entitled to receive after being hurt on the job.

Physical Effects of Workplace Injuries in New York

Workplace injuries can have a long-term impact on your physical health, which can significantly affect your quality of life and your ability to work and do the things you love. Common problems that can affect your physical health after a workplace injury include:

  • Chronic pain – Conditions such as neck and back injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and other musculoskeletal injuries or disorders may cause persistent pain that affects your mobility, strength, and quality of life.
  • Disability – Serious conditions like traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, or amputation can result in permanent disabilities that impact your ability to perform daily activities and work-related tasks. These types of injuries may require costly ongoing medical treatment, nursing care, and home modifications as well.
  • Occupational diseases – Toxic chemical exposure or hazardous work environments can lead to long-term health issues such as hearing loss, nerve damage, occupational lung diseases, and other conditions that may eventually result in death.

Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries also can have longstanding emotional and psychological effects on injured workers, including:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Accidents, workplace violence, and repeated exposure to psychologically challenging situations can lead to PTSD. This can result in anxiety, depression, flashbacks, and other symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to function and enjoy life.
  • Depression and anxiety — Trying to cope with a disability, physical pain, financial stress, drastic life changes, and uncertainty about the future can contribute to depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
  • Low confidence and self-esteem – When a workplace injury limits a person’s ability to earn a living, maintain their independence, or do things they used to enjoy, their sense of self-esteem can erode over time. If someone has suffered a debilitating or severe injury, dependence on caregivers can take away their sense of agency.
  • Social isolation – Someone who’s sustained a life-altering workplace injury may feel alone and isolate themselves from friends, family, and colleagues due to self-consciousness about their disability, injury, or inability to work. Chronic pain, injury, or disability may keep them from participating in activities they once enjoyed, which can be isolating.

Financial Consequences of Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries often have a significant impact on the finances of workers and their families. Time away from work can result in lost wages or income. If a workplace injury prevents someone from returning to their job or leaves them unable to work at all, the long-term financial repercussions can be devastating.

Unfortunately, many injured workers also face discrimination from employers due to limitations, capabilities, or reliability. Even if they can work at a different type of job, this may result in a long-term reduction in earning potential, which can affect a worker’s long-term financial stability and career opportunities.

If an injured worker is the primary breadwinner and they encounter problems with obtaining workers’ compensation benefits or Social Security Disability, it can be challenging to pay for everyday necessities such as rent, food, and utilities. Once a family gets behind on these bills, it can be tough to catch up. Combined with the physical and emotional difficulties someone may be facing, this type of financial stress takes a toll on marriages and other family relationships.

Medical expenses for workplace injuries can add up quickly. The costs of medical treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, medications, nursing care, assistive devices, and other healthcare services can be exorbitant. That’s why it’s crucial to have a lawyer experienced in work injury claims in your corner. An attorney can evaluate the potential long-term costs and fight to help you obtain benefits and compensation that cover your expenses for the long haul.

The Importance of Hiring an Attorney After a Workplace Injury

Although nothing can turn back time, having an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in your corner can mitigate some of the damage a workplace injury can wreak on your life. Your attorney can provide you and your family with compassionate legal support and help you get through tough times.

A workplace injury lawyer also can help you understand your rights and the options that may be available to you. They may have access to resources that can help them adjust to the changes and challenges that arise.  A workplace injury attorney at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, can evaluate your case and advise you on the best path forward to a successful claim.

Schedule a Consultation With a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in the Greater NYC Area

As native Staten Islanders, our team at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, is passionate about helping injured workers in the greater NYC area achieve outcomes that protect their health and financial security. Attorney and Partner Rolando Cubela is proud to offer quality legal representation to our Spanish-speaking clients. To schedule a consultation with a workplace injury lawyer in the greater New York City area, call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us today.

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